Janvikas Shikshan Sanstha, Yeoda’s

Arts-Commerce College Yeoda

Tq. Daryapur, Dist.Amravati. Pin:444706(M.S)

NAAC Accredited with Grade ‘B +’
Permant Affiliated to S.G.B.Amravati University,Amravati

Recognised by U.G.C. u/s 2(f) & 12B

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Extended Profile

Extended-pdf (View)
Student Student
Teachers Teachers
Institution Institution

Self-Study Report (SSR) Cycle II

SSR-pdf (View)
Criteria I Curricular Aspects
Criteria II Teaching, Learning and Evaluation
Criteria III Research, Innovations and Extension
Criteria IV Infrastructure and Learning Resources
Criteria V Student Support and Progression
Criteria VI Governance, Leadership and Management
Criteria VII Institutional Values and Best Practices